About this course:

  • With its flexibility and huge choice of majors, the Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science provides students with a background in both the humanities and the sciences, and gives them useful skills that will make you highly valued by potential employers in jobs across the market. From writing and presenting to thinking ethically and critically, the BLAS degree is your preparation for life beyond the classroom.
  • This is a course designed for the student who is fascinated by the world and wants to learn as much about it as they can. With a BLAS degree, students can indulge their inter

    Examples of popular Science majors offered by our academic schools are listed below: 

  • Chemistry (including Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)    
  • Computer Science (including Computer Science and Software Development)
  • Geosciences (including Geography and Geology and Geophysics)
  • History and Philosophy of Science
  • Life and Environmental Science (including Animal Science, Biology, Ecology, Environment and Food Science)
  • Mathematics and Statistics (including Data Science)
  • Physics (including Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)    
  • Psychology
  • Veterinary Science