Chiropractors have the privilege of being able to positively impact people's lives through the provision of natural and non-invasive healthcare methods. They have a deep understanding of the body's structures and how each interacts to affect our health. Using spinal adjustments, manipulation and other physical means to improve neuromusculoskeletal function, chiropractors can help us live healthy and active lives.

When you combine the?Chiropractic Science?course at Macquarie University?with the Master of Chiropractic, you'll be equipped to work in private practice, chiropractic sports medicine, allied health areas, health insurance assessment, medico-legal advising, work health and safety, rehabilitation and research.

Key features

  • This course offers training in a wide range of diagnostic and chiropractic manipulative skills in the context of anatomical, physiological and biomedical sciences.
  • It provides the prerequisite academic background to enable you to apply for entry into the Master of Chiropractic, which is required for professional registration within Australia.
  • Our Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and Master of Chiropractic were the first professional chiropractic degrees to be offered by a public university in the world.
  • You'll learn how to use a range of diagnostic tools, including patient interviews, physical examination and X-rays.
  • Clinical placements form part of the degree, both in University teaching clinics and in structured visits to other facilities.
  • You'll have access to our world-class anatomy labs.

Career opportunities

The majority of chiropractors are self employed in private practice. Other opportunities include positions in teaching and research in health care related fields.