• The Bachelor of Information Technology in software technology at Macquarie University is offered as a 3-year program.
  • This program is a mix of theoretical and technical components that will prepare students to use current technologies and adapt to and create new technologies in the workforce. 
  •  Students will gain skills and experience in :
    • Software programming languages
    • Structured programming
    • Programming practice
    • Research and development 
    • Project planning and project delivery.
  • In the final year, students have a work-integrated learning activity with a partner organization to help them for real workplace scenarios.  
  • Macquarie University is ranked number one in Sydney for overall graduate employment in information technology (QILT, 2017).  
  • The employment rate of Macquarie University is 82.3 
  • After completing this, students would be: :
    • After completing this, students would be:
    • Business analyst 
    • Database administrator 
    • Developer 
    • Front-end developer 
    • Full-stack developer 
    • IT consultant 
    • IT sales rep or marker 
    • Programmer 
  • Software technology is about building and using systems for productive and leisure activities and it focuses on algorithms, data structures and the principles of engineering-quality software.