• The Bachelor of Science in Computing at Macquarie University is offered as a 3-year program.
  • The mix of theoretical and practical components will enable students to use current technologies and adapt to and create new technologies.
  • Students will learn mathematics, statistics or coding in their first year to enhance the modern foundational skills relevant to future workforce needs.
  • In the final year, students will undertake a work-integrated learning activity with a partner organization to be prepared for real workplace scenarios.
  • Students will have opportunities to work as a productive team member on IT projects and to practise making presentations and able to build complex programmed systems. 
  • The main concepts covered under this program are: 
    • Mathematical Concepts for Science
    • Statistical Concepts for Science
    • Scientific Computing
    • Professional Physics
    • Computer Programming
    • Data Communications
  • The employment rate of Macquarie University is 86.8.
  • Macquarie is ranked number one in Sydney for overall graduate employment in information technology, and number one for teaching quality and overall graduate satisfaction in science (QILT, 2017).
  • After completing this, students would be able to work as: 
    • Business systems analyst
    • Communication systems analyst
    • Computer systems auditor
    • Database administrator
    • End-user support and training officer
    • Information technology analyst
    • IT or management consultant
    • IT salesperson or marketer
    • Programmer
    • Project leader
    • Systems designer
    • Systems development manager
    • Web designer/developer