• The Master of Landscape Architecture at University of Western Australia provides an education in the design, management, and resilience of natural and built landscapes to improve the quality and our experience of the environment.
  • Gain the knowledge and skills to respond to complex issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, urban ecology, and water-sensitive design by applying systems thinking and creative practice to develop long-term, multi-scale solutions.
  • The Master of Landscape Architecture is offered in two modes: Coursework, or Coursework, and Dissertation.
  • In addition to core studies, in the Coursework mode students are offered the choice of enrolling in either a series of option units covering a range of topics or a specialization in a related area of expertise (such as Environmental Planning or Urban Design).
  • In the Coursework and Dissertation mode, in addition to core studies, students pursue an independent research project of their choice.