• Many engineering projects, especially those that may impact on the quality of land, water and air, require detailed environmental analysis to identify and mitigate any chances that the project will adversely affect the environment. It is essential to consider both the short and long-term sustainability of such projects and their environmental consequences.
  • As with all of the Schools engineering programs, the Civil and Environmental Engineering program focuses on the development of knowledge and skills relevant to professional engineering practice, and along with a sound theoretical base, includes strong elements of practical problem-solving, teamwork and project development resulting in strong analytical skills and the ability to lead complex projects.
  • Areas of study within the course include a foundation in physical and engineering sciences along with computer aided design, engineering materials, surveying, and other core civil engineering topics.
  • This is followed by more specialist civil and environmental engineering content areas including structural analysis and design, hydrology and hydraulics, and construction technology and site management, and project management.
  • The course also includes advanced studies in environmental risk assessment and management, water and wastewater treatment, water distribution systems and wastewater collection systems, waste disposal and management, air-borne pollution control and the principles that ensure long-term sustainable engineering design solutions.