• The University of Newcastle Master of Nursing enables you to study contemporary issues in nursing, research methods, and knowledge translation in healthcare.
  • Key study areas include:
    • Contemporary Nursing
    • Introduction to Research in Health Care
    • Knowledge Translation in Health Care
  • To help students achieve their best career outcome, they can choose to do a generic Master of Nursing or focus their learning by choosing from one of seven purposefully structured specializations:
    • Healthcare Improvement – this specialization includes leadership, safety and quality, project management, and design. Your fellow students will come from medicine, nursing, business, and design backgrounds.
    • Research – a comprehensive foundation for nurses interested in research. Students will learn qualitative and quantitative research methods, biostatistics, and epidemiology.
    • Chronic Disease and Aging – in this specialization students will develop a solid knowledge base in areas such as mental health nursing in older people, aging in health, chronic disease prevention and management, and palliative care.
    • Acute and Critical Care – in this specialization students will study acute and critical care courses including emergency, intensive care, acute stroke management, and infection control. With this degree, they could seek employment as a clinical nurse specialist in an acute or critical care area.
    • Advanced Practice – in this specialization students will develop their professional knowledge, clinical judgment, and technical skills to an advanced level of capability. They will learn advanced physical assessment, diagnostics, symptom management, and pharmacotherapeutics.
    • Clinical Education – this specialization prepares students to support and teach healthcare students and staff and assist in the development, design, implementation, and evaluation of education and professional development programs.
    • Leadership and Management – in this specialization students will study key areas such as organizational behavior and design, employment relations, human resource management, negotiation and conflict resolution, and more.