• The Bachelor of Arts offers students a unique range of interdisciplinary skills. Students develop their capacity for critical analysis, creativity and problem-solving, as well as a thorough understanding of the relationship between theory, research and practice. They choose from a wide range of major study areas, equipping them for diverse careers in areas such as media, management, finance, education and government.
  • A key component of the degree is the Grand Challenges final-year project. Conducted in collaboration with the Swinburne Institute of Social Research, the project fosters team-based research activity and challenges students to go beyond the comfort of discipline boundaries. Students develop valuable collaborative skills as they research innovative solutions to contemporary issues facing society. The course offers students lifelong learning skills with a global and multidisciplinary awareness.
  • Course learning outcomes
    • Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Arts, graduates will be able to:
    • Systematically review and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources to inform their knowledge and conceptual understandings in the humanities and/or social sciences.
    • Formulate arguments that are fit for purpose and demonstrate an understanding of the relevant theories and evidence in their areas of disciplinary expertise.
    • Critically analyse information to generate creative solutions to solve complex problems in the area of humanities and/or social sciences, and understand the importance of interdisciplinarity for generating solutions.
    • Define and integrate theoretical principles and apply these in their disciplinary areas of expertise.
    • Apply knowledge and skills with responsibility and accountability for their own learning and practice, individually and in collaboration with others.
    • Interpret and communicate ideas, problems and arguments in modes suitable to a range of audiences using a range of media.
    • Coherently articulate a line of reasoning demonstrating cultural sensitivity and apply a framework to analyse and offer solutions to ethical dilemmas in local and international contexts.