The internet, smart-phones and social media have changes the face of the media industries, introducing a revolution in citizen journalism and a new way to interact with broadcast media. Journalists today need to do more than write a good story - they need to take the photograph, record the interview, edit the video, lay out the blog entry and write a good story. The entertainment industry is changing too, as new digital camera technologies change how entertainment in created, and as mobile and interactive devices change the contexts in which entertainment content is consumed.

The traditional media industries are merging, converging and evolving. Media producers have to adapt to this changing environment, and that means being multi-skilled, agile - and not being afraid to try something new!

The Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications is a degree for the new media age. Students in this degree will learn the core skills required for a future in the digital media industries of today:

  • visual communication and design
  • digital video production and storytelling
  • journalism and news writing
  • media theory and analysis.