• Tasmania, and the University of Tasmania, have a long history of leading the world in environmental management, going back to the creation of the Centre for Environmental Studies at the dawn of environmental politics in the early 1970s.
  • More recently, it has an emphasis on biodiversity management and sustainable practices because of the strengths of our key teaching staff. They specialize in giving students deep connections to Tasmania’s unique history in environmental management through nationally recognized staff, such as multi-award-winning ecologist, Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick, and industry-connected environmental planner, Dr Emma Pharo.
  • The experience in creating, managing, and exporting best-practice environmental management policies over half a century will give you the skills and knowledge the world needs to move to a sustainable future. This engaged, practical approach informs our teaching, and ultimately the industry and field experience we deliver help set our graduates apart.
  • Environmental managers work around the world tackling a wide range of challenges with global relevance, and local impacts. This can include threatened species management in both developed and developing countries, creating practical solutions and best-practice policy for waste management issues, and addressing complex problems like climate change through a myriad of practical, community-based initiatives.