• Griffith University offers a Master’s in Biotechnology for a duration of 2 years (4 terms).
  • This program is offered on a full-time basis, on-campus at Nathan.
  • Griffith is ranked among the top 2% of universities worldwide. Their reputation for research and teaching excellence, along with strong ties to industry, make us one of the leading providers of higher education in the Asia–Pacific.
  • Griffith’s campuses offer a unique and thriving community, with plenty of student support services available aimed at enriching both university and off-campus experience.
  • This program is designed for graduate or professional scientists who wish to extend their skills and knowledge in:
    • Clinical and environmental microbiology
    • Bioinformatics
    • Protein science 
    • Molecular biology and genomics and
    • Apply it in a competitive commercial environment.
  • The faculty and student ratio for this program is 1:14.
  • The indicative annual tuition fee is calculated based on a standard full-time study load which is usually 80 credit points (two full-time trimesters).
  • The Student could be eligible for different scholarships based on their academic background.
  • To be eligible for the award of Master of Biotechnology (MBiotech), a student must acquire 160 credit points as prescribed below:
    • gain 70 credit points for core courses
    • gain 80 credit points for electives
    • gain 10 credit points for Applied Research Project
  • The average salary goes up to 54,510 USD after completing this program.