The degree instills a deep, practically-oriented understanding of global, regional, and domestic trade, services and investment, and development issues. It provides graduates with:

  • the ability to think and act strategically about international trade and development issues
  • practical insights into the political dynamics of the negotiating environment
  • an understanding of the opportunities and challenges globalization presents for businesses and economies
  • knowledge of the practical legal and commercial aspects of international trade.

Students engage in case-based learning experiences exposing them to interactions between business and government in trade negotiations and equipping them to develop strategies for leveraging trade-related commercial opportunities to achieve sustainable economic development.

Important note for students: The MITD degree is a 36 unit program taught over 1 or 1.5 years (see 'Degree Structure' section below for more information). The price quoted on this site is for the standard 24 units per year program load.